Model availability by platform

Our models are offered on various platforms to accommodate a diverse range of user needs. We continually innovate, introducing new features and enhancing our models.

Here is a detailed breakdown of which models are available on each platform:

Model / PlatformAI21 PlatformAmazon BedrockAmazon SageMakerMicrosoft AzureLlamaIndexLangChain
Jamba Instruct
Jurassic Ultra
Jurassic Mid✅️✅️
Jurassic Light✅️✅️
Contextual Answers (In-prompt)✅️❌️✅️
Contextual Answers (Document library)✅️❌️❌️
Document library management✅️
Text Segmentation✅️
Grammatical Error Corrections✅️❌️✅️
Text Improvements✅️❌️

Platform details

AI21 Platform

AI21 Platform consists of the REST endpoints and the Python SDK.

Foundation ModelContext Window
Jamba Instruct512K tokens
Jurassic Ultra8192 tokens
Jurassic Mid8192 tokens
Jurassic Light8192 tokens
Task-Specific ModelInput Limit
Paraphrase500 characters
Grammatical Error Corrections500 characters
Text Improvements500 characters
Summarize50K characters
Contextual Answers (In-prompt)50K characters
Contextual Answers (Document library)1 GB
Text Segmentation100K characters

Amazon SageMaker

Foundation ModelContext Window
Jurassic UltraSee here
Jurassic MidSee here
Jurassic LightSee here
Task-Specific ModelInput LimitNotes
Contextual Answers (In-prompt)See here
SummarizeSee hereFocused Summary is only available on AI21 Studio
Paraphrase500 characters
Grammatical Error Correction500 characters

Amazon Bedrock

These models are available on Amazon Bedrock.

Foundation ModelVersionContext Window
Jamba Instruct256K
Jurassic Ultra2.2.0008192 tokens
Jurassic Mid2.2.0008192 tokens

Microsoft Azure

Jamba Instruct is available in Azure AI Studio and the Azure AI model catalog.


AI21's latest foundation model is available on LlamaIndex.


Some AI21 models and tools are available on LangChain.

LangChain supports the following AI21 components:

Model or toolLangChain objectNotes
Jamba InstructChatAI21Some object parameters are not supported by Jamba. See the Jamba Instruct documentation to learn which parameters are supported by this model.
JurassicAI21LLMJurassic is deprecated; use Jamba Instruct instead.
Contextual Answers (In-prompt)AI21ContextualAnswersImplements the in-prompt contextual answer endpoint.
Text SegmentationAI21SemanticTextSplitterImplements the Text Segmentation endpoint.
EmbeddingsAI21EmbeddingsImplements the Embeddings endpoint.