Contextual Answers endpoints provide accurate and reliable question answering based on specific context that you control. There are two endpoints, depending on what context you want to use:
Contextual Answers (Prompt context): This feature receives document text and a question and returns an answer based solely on the provided context. This method requires the context to be sent along with the question in every request to the API.
Contextual Answers (Document library context): A new feature that allows users to upload multiple documents to the RAG Engine in advance, and then retrieve answers based on these stored documents. This method only requires the question to be sent in the API request, and it returns an answer found in the organization's RAG Engine, along with information about which document(s) the answer was found in.
We also expose a set of endpoints to manage your document Library. They include operations to upload a document, get a list of documents, get a document by id, update a document, and delete a document.