Text Improvements

Provides rewrite recommendations for improving the fluency, clarity and style of the input text.

With our /improvements API, you can access our industry-leading text enhancements engine. Since it was specifically designed for this task, it produces high-quality results while optimizing efficiency. Integrating this API into your writing platform will improve your users' writing, enhance their experience and elevate their final product. This is also the engine behind Wordtune - our award winning writing assistant, so you know it's pretty awesome.

Don’t just take our word for it, give it a go! 💫

Whether you're an NLP enthusiast or have no prior knowledge, this API is for you. There are many clever mechanisms under the hood, but you don't have to understand them (if you don't want to). As a task-specific API, you can easily integrate it into your systems and get top-notch text improvements in a matter of minutes, with no prompt engineering required. Additionally, since it's optimized for this purpose, it's significantly more efficient than building it from scratch, and an order of magnitude cheaper.

This API scans a piece of text to see if it can be improved. The different models behind it check for fluency, clarity, and vocabulary. In the event that it finds areas that need improvement (and only if it finds them), it will return a list of suggestions (with locations).


Speak with great fluency

Let your users express themselves more fluently, phrasing the same message in a natural way.

Affiliated with the profession of project management, I have ameliorated myself with a different set of hard skills as well as soft skills.Being involved in the profession of project management, I have developed a different set of hard skills as well as soft skills.

Feature description: specificity

Make it easier for users to be more precise by recommending a more specific word to use within the context.

Good sleepFull night's sleep
I ate a good pizzaI ate a tasty/delicious/yummy pizza

Enrich the text with variety

Allow your users to avoid multiple repetitions of the same multiple words.

Positive energy balance means that you consume more energy than you burn. With the right types of foods this could mean muscle gain, with the wrong types it could mean fat gain.Positive energy balance means that you consume more energy than you burn. With the right types of foods this could mean muscle gain, with the wrong types it could result in fat gain.

Write simple with short sentences

Advise your users how to avoid long and convoluted sentences by splitting them into short sentences.

In addition, it is essential to build trust in their relationships, so they can start having efficient communications, so it will allow them to give feedback and call their peers on their performance without the fear of interpersonal conflicts.In addition, it is essential to build trust in their relationships, so they can start having efficient communications. This will allow them to give feedback and call their peers on their performance without the fear of interpersonal conflicts.


Make it easier for your users to be concise.

We will arrive home in a period of five daysWe will arrive home in five days


Imagine that you want to integrate the Text Improvements API into your writing platform where you perform the improvements automatically. To illustrate how you would do it, here is an example:

from ai21 import AI21Client
from ai21.models import ImprovementType

client = AI21Client(
    # This is the default and can be omitted

response = client.improvements.create(
  text="Affiliated with the profession of project management, I have ameliorated myself with a different set of hard skills as well as soft skills.",

// Use the improvements suggestions to fix the sentence
improved_text = text
improvements = response.improvements
for curr_improvement in reversed(improvements):
    improved_text = improved_text[:curr_improvement.start_index] + curr_improvement.suggestions[0] + improved_text[curr_improvement.end_index:]

And the fixed sentence:


// As a member of the profession of project management, I have acquired a different set of technical skills as well as soft skills.